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SlashDB Server Settings

The INI file /etc/slashdb/slashdb.ini is the core configuration file for setting up SlashDB.

The file contains settings of:

  • SlashDB features like branding, default rendering,
  • WSGI application and middlwares,
  • logging,
  • uWSGI server

Changes to this file require restating the SlashDB service with command:

sudo service slashdb restart

Below you can find explained options and examples.

API key

The header and query string argument names can be defined to match environment and other systems requirements e.g. 3Scale.

app_id_name (Not used in single parameter credentials)


Changed apikey_name to "secret".

# Header or get parameter authentication.
# Two parameters credentials use appid and apikey (called app_id mode in 3Scale).
# Single parameter credentials userapikey (called user_key mode in 3Scale)
appid_name = appid
apikey_name = secret

Request with modified apikey_name in query string

curl -i 'localhost:8888/db.json?appid=mobile-app-1&secret=v8fcyt1l8jbpp58157eo16456ms9ap61'

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Request with modified apikey_name in header

curl -i 'localhost:8888/db.json' /
-H 'appid:mobile-app-1' /
-H 'secret:v8fcyt1l8jbpp58157eo16456ms9ap61'

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Application section

The section [app:sdbapp] contains WSGI application configuration


Option use defines entrypoint for WSGI application. Do not modify.

use = egg:slashdb


Folder with Mako templates for GUI. Modify this option to use different set of templates. Value can be either file system path or location in reference to Python package.

Default: slashdb.formats.html_sdb:templates


mako.directories = /path/to/folder/with/templates


Normally SlashDB is delivered with static files being served by NGINX from folder /var/lib/slashdb/static and requests for static files don't even reach WSGI server.

Modify this option to use different set of static files when running pserve.

Value can be either file system path or location in reference to Python package.

Default: slashdb.formats.html_sdb:static


static_path = /var/lib/slashdb/static

This options allows to rename the API. The default name SlashDB appears in various places like root tag for XML. Modify this option to change the product name.

Default: SlashDB

Example: = AwesomeAPI


Database configurations are stored in YAML file in /etc/slashdb folder. If needed the path can be modified to point other file if configuration is stored on different volume.

Default: /etc/slashdb/databases.cfg


databases_path = /mnt/remote-storage/slashdb/databases.cfg


User configurations are stored in YAML file in /etc/slashdb folder. If needed the path can be modified to point other file if configuration is stored on different volume.

Default: /etc/slashdb/users.cfg


users_path = /mnt/remote-storage/slashdb/users.cfg


Query configurations are stored in YAML file in /etc/slashdb folder. If needed the path can be modified to point other file if configuration is stored on different volume.

Default: /etc/slashdb/querydefs.cfg


querydefs_path = /mnt/remote-storage/slashdb/querydefs.cfg


This option tells SlashDB what file to use when running SlashDB for the first time. The file is removed by SlashDB after setting up admin password. Don't modify unless configuration files are stored in different folder than /etc/slashdb on first run.

Default: /etc/slashdb/regular-initial


initial_state_path = /mnt/remote-storage/slashdb/regular-initial


This option tells SlashDB where to find license file. If needed the path can be modified to point other file if configuration is stored on different volume.

Default: /etc/slashdb/license.key


license = /mnt/remote-storage/slashdb/license.key


This option tells SlashDB where it should store any schemas that are cached. If the given path does not exist or is not usable for any reason, then there will be debug logs on startup warning that caching will not function without a valid path.

Default: /var/cache/slashdb/models/


caches_folder = /var/cache/slashdb/models/


When set to True it will be necessary to provide first name, last name and e-mail during first run.

Default: True


require_details_in_terms_and_conditions = False


This option limits the number of records viewed in GUI (HTML). At the same time pagination is enabled and allows to see the rest of data. This is to prevent freezing browser when it to renders a web page with thousands of records.

Default: 29


html_limit = 139


If set to True it will override default behavior of below columns:

  • In MS SQL, columns of TIMESTAMP type will be updated by server not by the passed value.

Default: False


ignore_default_fields = False


This option defines the name of attribute used in JSON to keep resource url.
For example the Artist resource has __href to itself and to related object list Album.

    "Album": {
      "__href": "/db/Chinook/Artist/ArtistId/1/Album.json"
    "ArtistId": 1,
    "Name": "AC/DC",
    "__href": "/db/Chinook/Artist/ArtistId/1.json"

Default: __href


refid_prefix = __resource_url


This options allows to automatically substitute some character sequence in url with other. A typical case is when url segment contains a slash character / e.g. /db/Chinook/Artist/Name/AC/DC/. To prevent from slash being interpreted as url segment separator and separate AC and DC we can define other sequence to represent slash; for example two underscores __. Then the url would look like /db/Chinook/Artist/Name/AC__DC/ and will be interpreted correclty as AC/DC.


url.substitution.__ = /
url.substitution._dot = .

Interpret ^^ as / for segment values.

url.subsitution.^^ = /

User sessions are stored in file system.

session.data_dir = %(here)s/sessions/data
session.lock_dir = %(here)s/sessions/lock

Logs Section


The logger_exc_logger is special logger for exceptions.
To prevent HTTP exceptions being logged. HTTP Exceptions are commonly returned to client with detailed information. No need to to store them. Other exceptions, if they're not caught and transformed into HTTP exceptions are logged.

exclog.ignore = pyramid.httpexceptions.WSGIHTTPException

SlashDB settings

Branding name

Used in various places where name of the API is needed. For example when URL serach string count is used the header will all records count will contain branding name i.e. SlashDB-All-Record-Count.

Exception in initialization process also has the banding name Development license can be generated and installed only when SlashDB is not already initialized.

Branding name also shows up in settings under key product. = SlashDB

HTTP responses encoding

output_encoding = utf-8

Paths to configuration files

databases_path = /etc/slashdb/databases.cfg
users_path = /etc/slashdb/users.cfg
querydefs_path = /etc/slashdb/querydefs.cfg
initial_state_path = /etc/slashdb/regular-initial
license = /etc/slashdb/license.key

Require terms and conditions in initial setup

Makes accepting terms and conditions required in welcome slides for development license.

require_details_in_terms_and_conditions = True

Register instances

URL used to save user details from welcome slides registration

registration_url =

Default resource limit for GUI

Default limit of resources displayed in GUI. This value is added to URI search string limit=29.

html_limit = 29

Default timestamp value for MSSQL

ignore_default_fields = False  

If True then for MSSQL database server, on insert the timestamp type columns will be updated by server not by the passed value.
False by default.

Models package

models_package = slashdb.models  

Defines where automatically reflected models are kept in package structure. Only for advanced setup.

Reference attribute in JSON

refid_prefix = __href  

For JSON format it defines an object key that keeps URL to the resource.

URL substitution configuration
Default configuration of URL substitution. Sometime there's a need to use URL reserved characters as part of Using syntax url.substitution.__ = / you can change how characters from URL are replaced. Sometimes there's a need to pass in the URL characters that are reserved for URLs. For example slash separates segments. For passing url.append_substitution = False

Sesssion cookie

  • How often to reissue a new cookie in sec. Suggested 1/10 of cookie_timeout

    ini cookie_reissue_time = 360

  • How long a ticket in cookie valid in sec.

    ini cookie_timeout = 3600

  • How long a cookie is valid in sec.

    ini cookie_max_age = 3600

Processes synchronization

SlashDB can work either in multi-thread or multi-processes mode. When using multi-processes mode Memcached server has to be configured to synchronize instances of SlashDB. See section UWSGI for information how to switch between these modes.

memcached_server =


User can be authenticated by passing API Key in URL search parameters or in header. The name of the parameter and header can be configured.

appid_name = appid
apikey_name = apikey

SQLAlchemy Settings

Configuration specific for sqlachemy_sdb component.

Log SQL statements when reflecting databases.**

True if you want to log all sql queries sent while reflecting the database.

sqlalchemy_sdb.engine_echo = False

Define MySQL driver

MySQL driver can be switched.

# MySQL-Python (default)
sqlalchemy_sdb.mysql_driver = mysqldb

sqlalchemy_sdb.mysql_driver = pymysql

# MySQL-Connector
sqlalchemy_sdb.mysql_driver = mysqlconnector

Reflecting database method

If True using reflection mechanism provided by SQLAlchemy Automap. If False then SlashDB 0.8.x method is used.

sqlalchemy_sdb.use_sqlalchemy_automap = True

Default: True

Database output chunks size for streaming

When streaming responses ?stream=True also data from a database if fetched gradually. With yield_per option you can define how many records are fetched at once.

sqlalchemy_sdb.yield_per = 10

Relationship naming

The option sqlalchemy_sdb.relationship_pattern allows to define how relationships are named in Data Discovery. Value for the option have to be a text that does not start with a digit. Two placeholders can be used: {this_table} and {other_table} which are names of tables from the perspective of the table where relationship is created.

Let's say we have two tables: Customer and Invoice with foreign key in Invoice which defines a one-to-many relation in the database; one customer has many invoices. If we configure relationship naming as sqlalchemy_sdb.relationship_pattern = rel_{this_table}_{other_table} then in Data Discovery: - in Customer resource the relation to Invoice will be named rel_Customer_Invoice, - in Invoice resource the relation to Customer will be named rel_Invoice_Customer

Default: {other_table}

sqlalchemy_sdb.relationship_pattern = rel_{other_table}

The option sqlalchemy_sdb.original_naming disables SlashDB naming convention and uses standard SQLAlchemy automap naming. It's a less convenient naming but can be used in case SlashDB naming fails. This option overrides sqlalchemy_sdb.relationship_pattern.

Default: False

sqlalchemy_sdb.original_naming = True

Formats config

Include href to output

xml_sdb.href = True
json_sdb.href = True

Default: True


  • debug.traceback - (true/false) add traceback to debug logs. This is not a global option. It works only if debug calls is given right argument python log.debug(msg, exc_info=sdb_settings['debug.traceback'])

  • ...

Full INI file example


# Pyramid config
use = egg:slashdb
mako.directories = slashdb.formats.html_sdb:templates
static_path = slashdb.formats.html_sdb:static
exclog.ignore = pyramid.httpexceptions.WSGIHTTPException

# SlashDB Config = SlashDB
branding.tag = SlashDB
output_encoding = utf-8
databases_path = /etc/slashdb/databases.cfg
users_path = /etc/slashdb/users.cfg
querydefs_path = /etc/slashdb/querydefs.cfg
initial_state_path = /etc/slashdb/regular-initial
license = /etc/slashdb/license.key
license_upgrading_email =

# makes accepting terms and conditions required in welcome slides for development license
require_details_in_terms_and_conditions = False

# URL used to save user details from welcome slides registration
registration_url =

authentication = True
google.cse_id = 123456789012346790:doom-o_hrva
default_limit = 29
ignore_default_fields = False
models_package = slashdb.models

refid_prefix = __href

# URL substitution configuration
# url.substitution.__ = /
url.append_substitution = False

# How often to reissue a new cookie in sec.
# Suggested 1/10 of cookie_timeout
cookie_reissue_time = 360

# How long a ticket in cookie valid in sec.
cookie_timeout = 3600

# How long a cookie is valid in sec.
cookie_max_age = 3600

# Memcached server
memcached_server =

# Header or get parameter authentication.
# Two parameters credentials use appid and apikey (called app_id mode in 3Scale).
# Single parameter credentials useapikey (called user_key mode in 3Scale)
appid_name = appid
apikey_name = apikey

# engine echo when reflecting models
engine_echo = False

# Should SlashDB stream data by default
stream_by_default = False

# sqlalchemy_sdb config
# Use new approach provided by SQLAlchemy Automap. If False then SlashDB 0.9.x method is used.
sqlalchemy_sdb.use_sqlalchemy_automap = True
sqlalchemy_sdb.yield_per = 10
# sqlalchemy reflect engine cho
sqlalchemy_sdb.engine_echo = False
# sqlalchemy mysql diver: mysql+[driver_name]://
sqlalchemy_sdb.mysql_driver = mysqldb
# per database SQLAlchemy engine config
sqlalchemy_sdb.db.Chinook.echo = True
sqlalchemy_sdb.db.Northwind.echo = True

# csv_sdb config
csv_sdb.stream_by_default = False
csv_sdb.headers_by_default = True

# html_sdb config
html_sdb.stream_by_default = False

# xml_sdb config
xml_sdb.root_tag = SlashDB
xml_sdb.xmlns =
xml_sdb.nil_visible = True
xml_sdb.stream_by_default = False

# xsd_sdb config
xsd_sdb.stream_by_default = False

# json_sdb config
json_sdb.indent = 4
json_sdb.stream_by_default = False

# txt_xsd config
txt_sdb.nil_visible = False
txt_sdb.stream_by_default = False

use = egg:waitress#main
host =
port = 6543
threads = 2

pipeline =

use = egg:wsgicors#middleware
# CORS available policies
# "free" policy
free_expose_headers=Set-Cookie, Warning

# CORS enabled policies

# Logging

keys = root, slashdb, exc_logger, sqlalchemy

keys = console, filelog, exc_handler, mail_exc_handler

keys = generic, exc_formatter

level = INFO
handlers = console, filelog

level = INFO
handlers = filelog
qualname = slashdb

level = ERROR
handlers = exc_handler
# mail_exc_handler is for mailing errors, see its section
#handlers = exc_handler, mail_exc_handler
qualname = exc_logger

level = DEBUG
handlers =
qualname = sqlalchemy

level = INFO
handlers =
qualname = sqlalchemy.pool

class = StreamHandler
args = (sys.stderr,)
level = NOTSET
formatter = generic

class = handlers.RotatingFileHandler
args = ('/var/log/slashdb/slashdb.log','a', 2*1024*1024, 5, 'utf-8')
level = INFO
formatter = generic

class = handlers.RotatingFileHandler
args = ('/var/log/slashdb/exceptions.log','a', 2*1024*1024, 5, 'utf-8')
level = ERROR
formatter = exc_formatter

class = handlers.SMTPHandler
args = (('', 25), '', [''], 'SlashDB Error', ('smtp_login', 'smtp_password'))
level = ERROR
formatter = exc_formatter

format = %(asctime)s %(message)s

format = %(asctime)s %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s][%(threadName)s] %(message)s
# End logging configuration

# uWSGI config for service scriptm starts uWSGI as a daemon
uid = vte
gid = vte
socket =
virtualenv = /opt/slashdb
daemonize = /var/log/slashdb/uwsgi.log
log-maxsize = 20971520
master = true
enable-threads = true
single-interpreter = true
lazy = true
processes = 1
threads = 16
paste = config:%p
paste-logger = %p